Mesua ferrea
English: Ironwood Tree
Sanskrit/Indian: Nagakesara
Russian: Мезуя железная

General information:
Ironwood Tree possesses many therapeutic benefits. It is a hemostatic that stops bleeding and is also an anti-inflammatory. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the use of the plant in gout, hemorrhagic disorders and diseases of the urinary bladder.
Stamens from the flower of the Ironwood Tree plant contain alpha- and beta-amyrin, beta-sitosterol, biflavonoids, mesuaferrones A and B, and mesuanic acid. The stamens, which are astringent and hemostatic, particularly in uterine bleeding and renal diseases, give the plant its therapeutic properties.
- As a hemostatic, Ironwood Tree is beneficial in the treatment of bleeding piles and metrorrhagia (irregular uterine bleeding).
- The extracts of the tree are also helpful in treating respiratory disorders like bronchitis.